Friday, February 22, 2008

2008 First Road Race

Next week will be my first road race of 2008, and, um... ever. This time, next week, I'll be checking my gear over for an early Saturday trip up to Mason Lake, which is north of Shelton, WA. This coming weekend will be a challenge for me, since the team that I train with is heating up the ride this week to a faster pace. On average the training rides have been about 50 miles with an average of 17-19mph. Last week was only the second ride that I held on to until the end with the group, which is quite a feat for my novice legs. Of course, everyone else was working hard while I tried to duck down behind, to stay out of the wind. Hopefully next weekend, I can achieve my only goal which is to finish the race under my own power (and maybe not last!) This, of course, may be a lot to ask... We'll just have to see what comes of this all. Tomorrow, my daughter and I are taking a pleasure trip to Seattle to attend the Cascade Bicycle Club's annual BikeSwap.

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