Monday, April 13, 2009

Volunteer Park Race Report

Saturday morning found me rolling out of bed at about 5am in an effort to make everything fall into place and be in Seattle in plenty of time for racing at 8:45am. That was all fine and I didn't even get lost since I was following teammates to the race from the highway. What I didn't count on was how long it would take to get registered and set up to actually warm up. After standing in line, etc. I only had about 5 minutes on the trainer. For this race I was hoping for at least 45 minutes to an hour. Bummer. I did get a chance to go around the course a few times, at least, though, which was a positive thing.

The group took off from the line and quickly strung out until riders were strung out all along the course. We were 100 stong in our group racing around a course that was less than a mile. I did my best to hang in and found myself speeding up slightly as I went through a few laps (4?), but that wasn't enough... The race official blew her whistle and pointed me off the course as the lead group was rapidly bolting up the hill behind me. As I was pulling off the course, the rider in front of me was also exiting, but got himself tangled in the safety tape and fell over. Then I passed another guy leaned forward and dry-heaving. I thought to myself... "Never a bad day to ride." Next year, I'll hang with the group a little longer. Until then, I think I have a little work to do. :)

It was great to see my teammates working hard and directing parts of the race. I was totally impressed with the women's team. One of them kept the pace at the front for several laps. Nice job up there. Hope you heard us yelling for you!


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