Thursday, October 08, 2009

Race Report from Crosstoberfest 2009

So, bike racing is a little unpredictable to say the least. Each race the process gets a little more refined. Packing, preparation, travel, warm-up, etc. (This says nothing of the training time involved...) I went into this year's Crosstoberfest feeling very good and really wanted to see what I had in me. In addition to arriving in time to register and pre-ride the course, I got a great position on the front of the line for the start. Whistle blows, and we're off! I held in the top 5-6 spots for most of the race and started feeling like this was going to be a great result for me. But, fate wouldn't have it. I'm really not superstitious, but about 10 seconds after thinking that, I heard the quick hiss of a deflating front tire. My front tire. I'd just made up two spots and was in 4th, but... that really didn't matter in that instant. As they say, "That's bike racing!"

Once I stopped feeling grumpy and robbed, the feeling of pride and excitement jumped in, because I knew deep down that I'd gotten a taste of what it's like to be up at the front of a race like that. Too bad it felt so good... Here's a video link put together by a teammate. I'm in the first bit of the video and the rest showcases the people who actually finished their races. :)

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